Topologies as Techniques for a Post-Critical Rhetoric
Edited by Lynda Walsh & Casey Boyle, this collection pursues the following questions: Given our current entanglement in global relations mediated through complex logics of technoscience, how do we solve problems together? How can we include and incorporate that

which has been excluded and objectified? How can we reshape our present toward equitable futures? In short:
How do we move beyond intervention
to invention
in the wicked discourses that entangle us in our common life? These questions prompt us to recognize that entangled discourses require new techniques that can work
through (rather than around or above) the modern dichotomies of nature/culture, human/nonhuman and text/context to create inclusive accounts of dire political dynamics.
We propose that the practice of topology offers those techniques. Topology combines the classical rhetorical strategy of
topos with nonlinear logic to yield a new model of discourse. Each chapter engages an aspect of rhetorical studies to explore, examine, and elaborate the possibilities of topological engagement; and, each treats a concrete case in order to display their methods, for the purposes of adoption and adaptation, all with the purpose of advancing rhetorical practice from intervention to invention.
Topologies as Techniques for a Post-Critical Rhetoric
Edited by Lynda Walsh & Casey Boyle
Chapter One – From Intervention to Invention: Introducing Topological Techniques
Lynda Walsh and Casey Boyle
Chapter Two – Aristotle’s topoi and idia as a map of discourse
Sara Rubinelli
Chapter Three – Topoi and Tekmēria: Rhetorical Fluidity among Aristotle, Isocrates, and Alcidamas
A.W. Cody and Rosa A. Eberly
Chapter Four – The Shape of Labor to Come
Casey Boyle
Chapter Five – Inventing Mosquitoes: Tracing The Topology Of Vectors For Human Disease
Molly Hartzog
Chapter Six – Genre Signals in Textual Topologies
William Hart-Davidson and Ryan Omizo
Chapter Seven – Mapping Rhetorical Topologies in Cognitive Neuroscience
Jordynn Jack, L. Gregory Appelbaum, Elizabeth Beam, James Moody,
and Scott A. Huettel
Chapter Eight – Topology and Psychoanalysis: Rhe-torically Restructuring the Subject
Jake Cowan
Chapter Nine – A Year Of Deliberating Danger(ously): A Network Topology Of The Loaded Climate Dice
Kenneth C. Walker
Chapter Ten – Getting Down in the Weeds to Get a God’s-Eye View: The Synoptic Topology of Early American Ecology
Lynda Walsh and Lawrence J. Prelli
Chapter Eleven – Enthymematic Elasticity in the Biomedical Backstage
Christa Teston